Intervention for Drug and Alcohol Abuse

It is tough for anyone to admit they have a drug or alcohol problem. Even when their world is crumbling around them, they may remain in denial. In cases when an addict or alcoholic continuously dismisses the advice of a loved one or when a family feels that an addict is on the cliff’s edge of danger, a drug and alcohol abuse intervention is necessary.

In cases of urgency, Discovery Transitions’ addiction rehab center, located in Los Angeles, can quickly refer you to a qualified and professional interventionist. There’s a lot of misinformation and incorrect notions that surround alcohol and drug intervention. One is that substance abuse interventions must be a surprise and that the addict must be confronted.

Discovery Transitions believes in motivational interviewing therapy for interventions, in which certified intervention specialists meet with both the addict and their family before the scheduled intervention. There are many reasons that someone addicted to drugs continues to use, even at the expense of their personal relationships or health. The interventionist, specializing in intervention for drug and alcohol abuse, interviews both the addict and their family to help determine how the sufferer thinks and what the best strategies for putting them on a path to long-term sobriety are.

We utilize the Johnson Intervention Model at our addiction rehab center. The Johnson Intervention Model generally believes that an addict or alcoholic must be at their ‘rock bottom’ for success. However, this doesn’t have to be true. If you believe an alcoholic is just a few days away from serious consequences or finding their rock bottom, you can use the Johnson Intervention Model, a structured approach for intervention for drug and alcohol abuse.

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The Johnson Intervention Model

Discovery Transitions utilizes the Johnson Intervention model in crisis situations. The Johnson Model is a planned intervention where the alcoholic addict is aware they are participating. The Johnson Model prepares all parties beforehand to avoid anyone becoming defensive. To prepare, there are 2-3 meetings with the loved ones and the addict before the alcohol and drug intervention begins. 

Instead of heated discussion, letters are the main tool in the Johnson Model, a method often used in intervention for drug and alcohol abuse. Friends and loved ones write letters detailing how the addicted loved one has hurt themselves or others, how their loved one acts sober vs under the influence, and how loved the addict is.

In most cases the Johnson Model follows seven components:

The intervention team is organized by the intervention specialist. The team includes the professional team as well as family, friends, and colleagues in the addict’s life.

The interventionist works with loved ones to write the letters and plan the time and place of the intervention.

Focus on Care is continuous throughout the process. Treat the addict with love and concern. Don’t yell or scold.

Interventionists, specializing in intervention for drug and alcohol abuse, will remind loved ones that the purpose of the intervention is to focus on the addiction, not other past issues.

The letters make of the evidence of proof that the loved one is suffering. Loved ones are encouraged to find concrete examples of when addiction to alcohol or drugs harmed their relationship.

The primary goal of a alcohol and drug intervention is to end with the addict agreeing to professional treatment. Treatment should not be presented as punishment. Instead, present it as how an addict can recover their life, happiness, and relationships.

The interventionist, skilled in intervention for drug and alcohol abuse, presents multiple treatment options like inpatient drug and alcohol treatment or the iop drug and alcohol treatment program in Los Angeles, which offers intensive outpatient therapy. If an addict chooses treatment, the intervention is successful.

10 Tips for a Successful Intervention

Your intervention specialist will review how to hold an intervention with the greatest chance for success. These 10 common tips can help you make the right choices out of the gate.

  1. Choose the Right Team – Only choose family and friends that can express a positive attitude and want for the addict to get help.
  2. Pick the Right Time Choose a time for the intervention for drug and alcohol abuse, that will not overwhelm the family or addict. 
  3. Choose the Right Place – Choose a location away from home but still comforting.
  4. Rehearse – Plan what you’re going to say and rehearse it with the team.
  5. Carefully Choose the Order – Allow the interventionist to choose the order of letter reading for the biggest impact
  6. Use Positive Body Language – Use warm and open body language during the intervention
  7. Watch Your Temper – It’s easy to get angry while reading your letters but flaring tempers won’t help anything.
  8. Stick to the Script – Stick to what you’ve thought about and written.
  9. Make a Backup PlanMake plans and alternatives should the intervention for drug and alcohol abuse go wrong. 
  10. Hold on to Hope – Interventions don’t always work, especially with a strong denial of addiction, but hold on to hope for both yourself and the addict.

Drug and Alcohol Interventions from Discovery Transitions

How can you tell if a Johnson Model is the correct alcohol and drug intervention for your loved one? The Johnson Model is not failproof. Some alcoholics may feel attacked. As a result, they become defensive and there’s not always a Plan B if the alcoholic decides they don’t want to go to treatment. 

Even though the Johnson Model isn’t perfect, it has provided great success over several decades. In addition, it is a popular and safe choice for alcoholics or addicts.

The only way you can find out if an intervention for drug and alcohol abuse will work is by talking to an intervention specialist and trying for yourself. The interventionist can provide you with more information on how the process works, what they hope to accomplish, and can answer any questions you might have. Call Discovery Transitions today if you’re ready to schedule an intervention for a loved one in danger. We are conveniently located in the Los Angeles, California area, and all calls are kept confidential. 

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