Trauma Resolution and Recovery

It’s common for people entering drug rehab to also be dealing with trauma from their past, necessitating trauma resolution and recovery. Every trauma is unique to the individual and can stem from one isolated event or from an extended period of abuse. No matter where the trauma came from and when it occurred, trauma resolution therapy must be accounted for when someone goes through drug and alcohol treatment.

Discovery Transitions, located in Los Angeles, California, knows the importance of treating any underlying trauma in concurrence with substance abuse. Discovery also keeps the entire individual in mind when crafting an individualized treatment plan. Let’s learn more about the science of trauma, Discovery Transition’s trauma-informed approach, and how we balance the needs of trauma with addiction treatment.

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What is Trauma?

Trauma is a term used to describe lasting psychological damage from a distressing event. Distressing events can be born from dramatic violent situations like warfare or may result from long-term emotional abuse from a loved one. It can come from obvious and less obvious experiences. Trauma is unique to the individual, but all trauma causes the sufferer to feel emotionally helpless and unable to cope. Over time traumatic events can lead to depression, addiction, other psychological issues, and could require trauma resolution and recovery treatment. 

Trauma is unique to each sufferer. As a result, a custom treatment plan is tailored to the individual and will take into account any co-occurring substance abuse issues as well. Counselors at Discovery Transitions know the unique challenges of trauma mixed with addiction and are skilled in trauma resolution and recovery to carefully build a proper treatment plan for all types of patients.

Key Principles of Trauma Therapy

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, six key principles define a trauma-informed treatment.

Discovery utilizes these principles in our trauma-informed care:

  1. Safety – Among all else, the patient must feel safe and strong. All trauma resolution therapy begins with a feeling of safety. 
  2. Transparency and Trustworthiness – No tricks, no emotional ploys, only proven treatment methods for dealing with trauma. Both the counselor and patient should be open and honest for the best results.
  3. Peer support – The group can do more than the individual. It’s important to help trauma victims find peer support for a hand up when they need it.
  4. Mutuality and Collaboration – The patient and counselor should work together to create a plan that both the counselor and patient are comfortable with.
  5. Voice, Choice, and Empowerment – Trauma can make a victim feel voiceless, but trauma therapy gives them the power to be heard.
  6. Historical, cultural, and gender issues – Context plays a large role in trauma. It’s important for a counselor to know any historical, cultural, or gender issues that could affect treatment.

What to Expect in Trauma Therapy

Trauma therapies, including trauma resolution and recovery, are centralized around empowering the individual. We show patients respect for their resilience and strength. Empowerment, furthering self-awareness, and increasing self-esteem can help balance the loss of control that many who suffer from trauma feel.

Trauma-Informed Care vs Trauma-Focused Treatment 

Counselors at Discovery Transitions utilize a trauma-informed care approach to trauma and addiction therapy. Although trauma-informed care and trauma-focused treatment both deal with past trauma, the key difference is in informed versus focused treatment. In addition, informed treatment is a holistic approach. It considers the impact the trauma can have on a person’s unique treatment. However, it is not intended to directly treat traumatic symptoms.

Trauma-focused treatments, including trauma resolution and recovery, use evidence-proven therapies to directly heal the effects of trauma. Trauma-informed care and trauma-focused care are different in intent and execution. However, both focus on the key principles of trauma resolution therapy and empowerment.

Trauma-Informed Care at Discovery Transitions 

Discovery Transitions has the staff, resources, facilities, and training to properly diagnose, and treat co-occurring disorders. We are conveniently located in the Los Angeles area. In addition, we treat drug addiction resources, trauma in our addiction and trauma program. Explore our website or pick up the phone to call Discovery Transitions today.

Trauma-Informed Care and Alcohol Abuse Treatment 

It’s common to see co-occurring disorders of trauma with alcohol abuse, requiring an approach that includes trauma resolution and recovery. Fortunately, you can get the treatment you deserve at Discovery Transitions. Those with alcohol addiction and trauma will receive a custom treatment plan that deals primarily with alcoholism but always remembers the importance of treating the trauma too.
Trauma-informed counseling happens alongside alcohol addiction counseling to help the sufferer defend against dangers from all sides.

Trauma-Informed Care and Drug Addiction Treatment 

Discovery Transitions offers Intensive Outpatient therapy and rehabilitation in Los Angeles, with specialized staff and training that are qualified to treat drug addiction and underlying trauma. As a result, we use our addiction and trauma program. Each person’s drug addiction and traumas are unique, which is why you’ll sit down with treatment staff and medical professionals to properly plan your individual treatment plan for substance addiction and trauma resolution and recovery. Your initial assessment will include special attention to any symptoms resulting from trauma and how they’ve affected your life and substance abuse.

With a trauma-informed care approach, the initial trauma resolution therapy will deal with issues surrounding your addiction and how you can put yourself on a path to sobriety. 

Step Onto The Path To Recovery Today!
