5 Everyday Things to Help Your Recovery from Alcohol Addiction
A common misconception that a lot of people have in regards to recovery from alcohol addiction, is that you go to rehab, you get better, and then you move on with your life. In a majority of cases, however, in order to maintain your sobriety, you have to work at it every day, even after you’ve completed alcohol addiction treatment. The simplest way to do this is to have an aftercare for drug and alcohol addiction relapse prevention in Los Angeles. It is also vital to your recovery to work the steps or do things every day that will help keep you on your path of recovery and ensure long-term sobriety. Here are five things you can do to elevate your recovery.

What to do to Aid Your Recovery from Alcohol Addiction
1. Start Your Day with Something That Inspires You
Wake yourself up in the morning by doing something that makes you feel like your best self. Yoga, meditation, or even sipping a cup of coffee while you catch up on the news gives you a little time to yourself to be mindful and will fill you up with positive intention to last all day long.
2. Fuel Your Body with Wholesome Foods
Especially in early recovery, your odd food cravings are going to be off the charts. Alcohol addiction, and more specifically addiction withdrawal, has adverse effects on your mind, spirit, as well as your body. Throughout your entire alcohol addiction recovery, it is so important to fuel your body with wholesome and healthy foods in order to help your physical body recover as close to its original state as you can.
3. Get High in Other Ways
Just because you are sober doesn’t mean there aren’t other ways to “get high.” The feelings that you get from using drugs or drinking alcohol have long been associated with feelings of happiness, bliss, euphoria BUT participating in addictive behaviors is not the only way to feel these awesome feelings. Things like running, yoga, meditation, or being creative can give similar feelings and are much healthier positive alternatives.
4. Build a Strong Addiction Support System
Befriending people who also have the disease of addiction/alcoholism has to become a priority in sobriety. After all, we need a sponsor to work us through the steps. We need to be around other addicts and alcoholics who understand us – people who can help us maneuver this beautiful experience called life. By connecting with people who operate in a dimension of life that doesn’t include drugs and alcohol, you can stay sober.
5. Live Your Purpose
We’ve all pondered the meaning of life and finding your purpose or mission is possibly one of the most gratifying things you can do. Doing all of the above can help you figure out what exactly it is but if you are still not sure what your purpose is, don’t worry. Work toward it each day and keep on going.