Top 5 Tips for Living with Someone in Recovery
If you have a loved one in addiction recovery who is getting ready to come home from rehab treatment (or is already home) then you should prepare to support them. Understanding everything that comes with living with an addict in recovery is essential in helping them avoid a relapse, which obviously neither of you want. Here are the top five tips for living with someone recovering from an addiction.
1. Understand the possibility of extended issues of addiction
Yes, your loved one completed their addiction treatment, and all should be proud. However, it’s crucial for you to understand residual addiction consequences may possibly affect your relationship, life and household for a continued period of time. Whether the issues deal with money, one’s health, employment, stress or other relationships, you must know the work isn’t finished.
2. Become educated about addiction and stay involved in their recovery
As the loved one of a recovering alcoholic or drug addict, you were impacted by their addiction problems. That is why you should take advantage of the family education available to loved ones at most addiction treatment centers, from which you’ll become far more enlightened on the insights of addiction and be more prepared for situations that may arise. You also need to stay involved and proactive in your loved one’s recovery by supporting them, to which engaging in a family education program also assists with.

3. Support their long term recovery efforts
If your loved one is a recovering alcoholic, it’s probably best to refrain from your evening glass of wine at least for a good while once they’re back home. Supporting their long term recovery includes you living a sober life, too. You must be committed to their sobriety, which starts with eliminating any remotely possible temptations and triggers. In doing so, you’re supporting their recovery, as they’re trying to change their life and you may need to change yours too in order to help them.
4. Find recovery support for yourself
Living with someone in recovery isn’t going to be easy, so you may need support too. There are support groups available for those in your shoes, which can help reduce stress and offer comfort. Plus, pursuing support for yourself could very well inspire your loved one in recovery to seek additional support and take advantage of after-care programs available to them.
5. Minimize any possible stress from addiction recovery
As a recovering addict, your loved one is likely going to be more sensitive and inclined to experience stress, which could lead to a relapse. Now that you’ll be living with them, you must minimize any possible stress that will be in result of their addiction recovery. Make sure you adjust and are prepared to consistently point them in the right direction and to the right resources to sustain their sobriety, such as support groups, therapy, counseling and other methods of stress-reduction.
What are some other tips you think could help someone living with a recovering addict? Tweet them to us at @TDHRehab or tell us at!